The driver doesn’t work after changing a user attribute.

The option “delete configuration file” should should remain unchecked. The driver saves the communication configuration into a file. When any user attribute value is changed, the driver is deleted (including the configuration file) and re-added again. If the driver is going to be removed permanently and not re-installed, the option “delete configuration file“ should be checked.

How can I send one physical input to many devices (driver) inputs?

Crestron Home manages input loop-outs using virtual adapters. The adapters are placed in the Crestron Home configuration as a hub between the source and the devices. The physical source is landed on the adapter’s input, and the adapter outputs are landed on the device’s input as needed. The most commonly used adapters are the Universal A/V Adapter and the Uncontrolled Generic A/V DA. They are shown under the “Other” category below “Drivers”.

Can I control more than one thermostat with this driver?

The driver only controls a single thermostat at a time. You will need to add additional driver instances, one for each thermostat (Eg. you have 5 AprilAire tstats, you will need to add 5 driver instances). If all the drivers are running on a single processor, you will just need one license key for all the AprilAire drivers.

How can I recall a preset position?

If the Somfy shade motor supports storing a Favorite Preset, than you can setup the shade to the desired position and save it as the “My” preset (please consult with Somfy for further details on how this is done). On the OEM remote, confirm that pressing the “My” button, when the shades are not moving, will move the shade to the desired position. Move the shade to a different position, now from Crestron Home, if shades are not moving and you press the “Stop” button for that shade, it should move it to the preset position.

The folder in the CH Setup App doesn’t show up after I put in all the information for the driver.

  • Make sure the processor has access to the internet.
  • Make sure you are not re-using the authorization code. Once an authorization code has been used, it can not be used again.
  • Make sure you use the authorization code within 1 minute of generating it. It has a very short expiration time (aprox. less than 1 minute).
  • Make sure you are using the proper case when specifying the location name. (case-sensitive).
  • Make sure that when you defined the app in the website, you specified the return url/uri as None and not none (case sensitive).

I made an update to the settings and the driver stopped working

This is due to a bug in Crestron Home. You have to go back to the driver settings (ie. the gear), go to the Control tab. It should show the IP Address, port, username, and password. What you have to do is force the Apply button to be enabled by making and undoing a change, eg. add a 1 to the end of the username and delete the 1. Once the Apply button is enable, press it. Check the driver.

Does the driver work with a Elk C1M1?

For the Elk extension driver, although we have not directly tested the driver with a C1M1, Elk has stated to us that it is compatible and should work. Elk has also advised that there are reports of the C1M1 locking up when used with 3rd party control systems (not just with Crestron Home). The Elk “Native UI” driver is reported to not be compatible with the C1M1.